Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Up All Night. And....Introducing our International Contributor: Erma!

Somebody's gotten a little off topic and so somebody else needs to get the cart back behind the horse. Except that makes no sense. Big deal. It's not like people in Latvia, Russia, the Ukraine or random South American countries are looking at this. Yet.
Some disturbing news is keeping DDJ up far, far beyond bedtime. Sleep-Deprived DDJ's are even more dangerous than DDJ's with sleep.
Therefore, in order to distract the DDJ of Deviance and Dismaying Evil, we introduce a new Contributor who is soon to begin posting (we hope) from The Far East. As in Not in the USA or Even Close.  We call her "Erma" and here are a few of her subtle and ironic mailings:

(my favorite: "hipster double D" - brilliance!)

I guess I ain't, cause this DDJ got no clue. She's brilliant, Erma is.
Welcome to Toxic Hair Avenger, Ermie.

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