Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Dream Small: Puppy Panties and Clint Eastwood's Chair.

Dream Small, Clint Eastwood's Chair.
The puppy panties are, horrifyingly, a real product.
 A gem from Erma in Hong Kong:
 (but here, an easily overlooked and masterful detail):
Hello there, little talking fart-bubble!!
Erma declined to add any further embellishments. I can't argue with her assessment of this card's potential...."Happy Lifestyle" Indeed!)
OOOH! Mt. St. Helen(a)
Did someone say "digital European cheese"? That's my favorite! except for Government Cheeze.
Who's gonna make me "say UMBRELLA"?

You know what? If it gets the above terrifying visual hangover away from me, really quickly, I will SAY UMBRELLA...ELLA...ELLA....


So, um, moving right along:
how lovely - a lovely, fuzziness - fuzzinesses makes DDJ sooooo happeeee! 
I think Skuffie was behind this one - he's the kind of guy to light the flamethrower
(insert smiley face)
Some really good advice!
Of course, this describes my favorite activity exactly.

And here's a little teaser of the next installment:


  1. First OFF... Towlettes make ME Moist !
    Secondly, It is I that played with fire. I do so love drawing it....
    Third.... My tummy hurts today, and I'm not feeling so well.... My room stinks.
    Fourthly.... Fuzzy IS fun!
    Fifthly.... Kid QUires freak me out. AND I feel they're just a beginning to the end for the children... just wait kiddos.... YOu'll get all of this attention for having a great voice... Thenn BLAM !!! Puberty hits, and YOU SUCK !

  2. First OFF... Towlettes make ME Moist !
    Secondly, It is I that played with fire. I do so love drawing it....
    Third.... My tummy hurts today, and I'm not feeling so well.... My room stinks.
    Fourthly.... Fuzzy IS fun!
    Fifthly.... Kid QUires freak me out. AND I feel they're just a beginning to the end for the children... just wait kiddos.... YOu'll get all of this attention for having a great voice... Thenn BLAM !!! Puberty hits, and YOU SUCK !
