I knew when I stuck my hand up and In the great chasm in our wall known as the mail drop, that something was wrong. Thin plastic loosely surrounding what I knew to be a post card. This is a tale of What happens when you mail a sheet of duct tape. When Scuff first saw it he was drawn to it and felt that he needed to turn it into a postcard, that wonderful silver sheet of tape.
It made it from Portland to St. Louis, but not from St. Louis back to Portland, after it'd been in the hands of the amazing Auntie Entity, and tossed back to sender.... Somewhere in the postal system there's a gummed up machine, a product of our error...

I guess that's a lesson learned...

- glad that's done...
The wisdom of our Great and Wonderful USPS is here demonstrated by the serendipitous destruction of this postcard. They made it more amazing on more levels than I thought possible. I totally HEART the USPS.