Friday, November 30, 2012

What's impressive, I find...

Is that the postal service delivered this... The address was in the wrong spot and placed amongst so many other strange words.... So word to you Hel, you broke the rules & still delivered !!!

- glad that's done...

Peace is patriotic

But what's that shit about Kate Winslet ???

- glad that's done...

The squishy in between.



- glad that's done...

The Me Cathedral and The Moosed Hair Club

Frankly, the apparent sarcasm that a Cathedral would and in fact has been built in MY Honor displayed by the sender of the Cathedral to Me postcard is NOT appreciated.
However, the artisanship displayed by the Mustachioed Ron Imposter/Hairdresser is astonishing. If only, as he writes, if ONLY our parents had bought us big Barbie heads or at least big bags o' hair - We could've been somebody (ies)!!

Crater Lake, Call NPR and Toilet Paper

You know what? Calling NPR would, I am %100 certain, be my first impulse upon seeing Crater Lake in person. I'm really worried that Hiking26 never got that fleece hat. Not to mention the toilet paper....

Ye Olde Tunnel of Preparation H Revisited

I wouldn't got back in there, either, Son.
It's time for this card to go International - will it be India? Honk Kong? Or South Korea? So many possibilities.....

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Can I make this into a post card somehow??

Touching Sentimental Skank-Stank-o-Meter Card.

Awww, what a touching sentiment, "My last Newport-sent post card." *sniff, sniff* But wait, look closely and do not be misled, oh, Receiver of Post Card. "Girly Fish" and "Stank" be on the Specials Menu today!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

I got a little crazy when i sent a lil something to Hel.  I don't even remember what was in there, and this was just weeks ago... Odd ....

something terrible happened with this post card... Obviously someone was feelin' the little critter love...Until she flipped it over and went all cut and paste on my ass...

Sometimes people do stupid things... Like forget to rotate a photo before posting it here... Tough, you'll just have to turn your head to the side and risk that crick in your neck, which will surely last for a few days.  Come monday you'll really be cursing me and this blog for making you turn your head in that direction and getting that blasted crick in your neck... which may be an issue until.... Thursday.... Yes, thursday.

 BTW, I don't really live on Doncha Know Dr, so please don't send me mail here...

Round two fer this post card

This came from a restaurant that we stopped at one fall day after hiking near Mt St Helen ... The woman who seemed to be in charge was a mess ... We asked her to split the total of the ticket for 3 lunches in half... This was far too difficult for her to understand. She picked several random things for my friend to pay for, and the rest was left for me ... The overall total difference was more than ten bucks... When she sub-totaled my 'half' I said " don't forget to add the post card in there " - this sparked a near meltdown .... Forget it, I said.... Ill pay for that separately ...

I sent this to Hell, and it came back .... Edited.

- glad that's done...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


It's going in the mail soon (when my lazy ass gets to the post office) Denitria gonna LOVE did shit !!!

- glad that's done...

Al was ashamed... Poor Al

- glad that's done...